Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels

Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels

كتاب من قبل جيمس دان
4.1/5 · Goodreads 4.1/5 · AbeBooks
تاريخ النشر الأصلي: 3 مايو 2011
المؤلف: جيمس دان
النوع: نصوص مقدسة
التقييم (31) · متوفّر
In this clear and insightful book, James Dunn offers a concise yet panoramic view of the origins of the early Jesus movement.
03‏/05‏/2011 · Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholar. In this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the study of the New ...
Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels is coherent and integrated introduction to the basic issues in the study of the New Testament. James Dunn has gathered texts ...
Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholar In this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the study of the.
03‏/05‏/2011 · Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholar. In this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the study of the New ...
Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels brings together texts from three sets of lectures James Dunn gave in 2009 to Catholic and Jewish audiences in Italy, Spain, ...
التقييم (63)
03‏/05‏/2011 · Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholarIn this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the study of the New ...
التقييم (63) · متوفّر
03‏/05‏/2011 · Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholar In this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the ...
Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels by James D G Dunn: Used ; Publication Date. 2011-05-03 ; Pages. 221 ; Accurate description. 4.9 ; Reasonable shipping cost. 5.0.
أسئلة أخرى
03‏/05‏/2011 · Compact, intelligent primer on the New Testament from a renowned scholar In this coherent and integrated introduction to basic issues in the ...