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قبل يوم واحد · Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.
المفقودة: inauthor: | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:inauthor:
قبل يومين · He cut contact with them some time ago. His father was probably just as soulless as the CEO he shot but the guy was just a stand in for his personal drama.
قبل 5 أيام · Kurt Vonnegut was an American author known for his satirical and darkly humorous novels. His published work includes fourteen novels, three short-story ...
قبل 3 أيام · I have created this group to help find people that are missing in Colorado. Every day I see some one is missing their child or family member.
قبل يومين · William E. Grady Career And Technical Education Hi - 21K620 o. Williamsburg Charter High School - 84K473 o. Williamsburg High School For Architecture And Desi ...
قبل 55 دقيقة · Oxford University provides world-class research and education to benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale.
المفقودة: Harvard | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:Harvard
قبل 7 أيام · The Great Book of Talismans (MS Paris BnF Ar. 2250) composed by Apollonius of Tyana is one of the Greek texts that have reached us in its Arabic recension.
قبل 6 أيام · Slavery was not a phenomenon unique to the Southern states. The national. Constitution itself sanctioned slavery, and at the time of its ratification most ...
قبل 7 أيام · A theory of mind includes the understanding that others' beliefs, desires, intentions, emotions, and thoughts may be different from one's own.
قبل يومين · Award-winning journalist Vicki Gonzalez hosts interviews with community leaders, advocates, experts, artists and more to provide background and understanding.