... in author . There is reference to the gospel and his readers . epistles of John in the Muratorian Canon . Vari- The readers were already believers in Jesus ous allusions to the epistles are found in Clem- Christ and they worshiped and ...
... father and priest . Isn't it better that you serve a tribe and clan in Israel as priest rather than just one man's household ? ” 20Then the priest was glad . He took the ephod , the other household gods and the carved image and went ...
... King James Version 2 ـ د . أحمد داود كتاب " العرب والساميون والعبرانيون بنو إسرائيل واليهود الطبعة الأولى 1991 مكتبة الصفدي ص 94 المفاهيم وأصبحت مملكة مصرايم التوراتية العربية البائدة ، أصبح مقصودا 73 مصر الأخرى ( ج 1 ) .... التبادل ...
... King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 1982). Chapter 14 1. Paul D. Stevens, Where Do Pastors God to Cry. (Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2012) p. 55. The Holy Bible, King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas ...
... King James Version . Scripture quotation in author's note is taken from the Holy Bible , New Living Translation , copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers , Inc. , Wheaton , Illinois 60189. All rights reserved ...
الرد على المنصّرين زعمهم وجود ألفاظ وصور خادشة في كتاب الله د. سامي عامري. Darby Translation New English Translation King James Version thou didst open thy feet to every one that passed by and multiply thy whoredom you spread your legs ...
... Bible are cited as found in the authorized King James version ; e.g. , Moses , not Mosheh ; Isaac , not Yizḥak ... د th j dh でてん ص ض jr b t j z 17 وس ع sh έgh آف باق ك ال m Un I h 9 w لاي 2. Only the three vowels - a , i , u ...
... King James version ; e.g. , Moses , not Mosheh ; Isaac , not Yizḥak ; Saul , not Sha'ul or Shaül ; Solomon , not ... د St j dh て th 2. Only the three vowels . - ز 8 C n h I w | gh sh اف باق وض لي ال рт ع r bţ z 1 وس a , i , u ...
... King James Version , Cambridge , 1769. Used by permission . All rights reserved . Scripture quotations marked “ TLB ... د ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Heartfelt thanks to the following people for making.