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inauthor: King James Version من
حقيقته، ومناهج دراسته، ومآلاته د. سامي عامري. من حروفها حرف العين ! ) : ساحِرٌ . وهي دعوى حَيَّرَتِ الشُّرَّاحَ ... King James Version : The New Testament and The Apocrypha , New York ; London : W.W. Norton , 2012 , p.268 . ( 4 ) ...
inauthor: King James Version من
بين سلامة القرآن الكريم وأخطاء التوراة والإنجيل د. سامي عامري. 6. الصاوي ، عبد الجواد محمد ، مفاتح الغيب ... وعلم ما ... King James Version study Bible , Nashville : Thomas Nelson , 1988 2. Abd al - Fadi , Abdallah , Is the Qur'an ...
inauthor: King James Version من
د. سامي عامري. 2 – مزمور 160 / 119 : « كَلامُكَ بِأَسْرِهِ حَقٌّ ، وَكُلُّ أَحْكَامِكَ إِلَى الأَبَدِ عَادِلَةٌ ... King James Version : fool : وفي ترجمة The New American Bible : ( insane ، وفي الترجمة الفرنسية La Bible de semeur ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King demands an explanation . " " 48. 23 ? Answer of the College . " " 49 ... د , " " " " 7 . 28 . " " ? 2 . 57. June 58. May 30 . 59. June 6 . 60 . 61 ... version . Luttrell's Diary . Proceedings of the Commissioners . The Vice ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King James version ; e.g. , Moses , not Mosheh ; Isaac , not Yizhak ; Saul , not Sha'ul or Shaül ; Solomon , not ... د Lush y 8 έ gh Un اف h j dh بض 3 ķ I u 20 jr bṭ Uk 17 لاي ال th j z UN 8 ع rm 2. Only the three vowels - a , i ...
inauthor: King James Version من
الرد على المنصّرين زعمهم وجود ألفاظ وصور خادشة في كتاب الله د. سامي عامري. Darby Translation New English Translation King James Version thou didst open thy feet to every one that passed by and multiply thy whoredom you spread your legs ...
inauthor: King James Version من
د. حسن محمد جابر. 4. "Judges 3:12-28 (King James Version)". 5. Coogan, M. A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible in its Context . Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2009. pp.176. 6. Nelson, Richard D ...
inauthor: King James Version من
King James Version, Reference, Giant Print, Black Leatherflex, Red Letter Edition Thomas Nelson Publishers (COR). .Luke 18:30 ... John 3:16 ... John 4:14 .... John 6:27 disobedient to p . Zech 7:10. 1508 just and e See Ex 36:22 ; 2 Cor 8 ...
inauthor: King James Version من
New King James Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, the Message John R. Kohlenberger (III). NEW KING JAMES VERSION the king's son , Azrikam the officer over the house , and El- kanah who was second to the king . And ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... in author-date citation style place the date of the document under discussion in the body of the text rather than ... King James Version). The Federalist Papers are numbered: Madison addresses the problem of factions in a republic ...