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20‏/01‏/2015 · Here is my attempt to get a working bibliography started, with items listed in reverse chronological order.
This dissertation investigates the disaster recovery phase. The purpose of the research is to advance knowledge about the practice, models, organizational ...
Project Director: Marcus Carson, Stockholm Environment Institute. Scientific Coordinator: Garry Peterson, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
21‏/11‏/2013 · This submission summarizes EC's technical review of information provided by the proponent, BC Hydro, and includes the Department's ...
Dunn, W. N. (2003). Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik (2nd ed.). Terj. Yogyakarta:Gajah Mada University. Press. Fadjar, H. A. M. (2006). Development ...
This guide only occasionally cites article-length materials, on the grounds that most articles of surpassing value become anthologized or ...
A History of Indian Poetry in English explores the substance and genealogy of Anglophone verse in India from its nineteenth-century.
3 James D.G. Dunn, El Cristianismo en sus comienzos (I): Jesús recordado (Navarra: Editorial. Verbo Divino, 2009), 136. También señala Dunn que esta realidad ...
25‏/12‏/1976 · ... James Brown testified in Frankie. Crocker% perjury trial here last week that he never gave the program di- rector any money to play specific.
Full text of "Public documents of the State of Wisconsin, being the reports of the various state officers, departments and institutions". See other formats.