Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolothic (Occasional Papers). by Ian Kinnes: · Paperback.
Catalogue of the excavated prehistoric and Romano-British material in the Greenwell Collection. by Ian Kinnes · 5.05.0 out of 5 stars.
His main research interest was in diseases and pathologic conditions that exert an influence on the central nervous system of animals. Between 1985 and 1995 ...
Après un premier poste à Arundel, au New England College, il entre dès 1974 comme conservateur-adjoint au département des Prehistoric and Romano-British ...
01/01/2024 · The staff in 1965 were: Mrs. Evelyn Evans, Mr. Andrew Fleming, Mr. Sven Gram, Mr. Ian Kinnes, Mr. Ian Morrison, Miss Stephanie Page,. Mr ...
Here our issue's title points to a much wider aim of furthering what may be called an archaeological history of modernity and its cultural imaginary, modernism, ...
On this episode of the Future-Focused Terminal Podcast, guests Ian Kinne and Liz Ward join the conversation about innovation and how businesses can drive ...
The Emergence of Worship and Religion in the Neolithic Period: Direct and Indirect I. Evidence from Recent Excavations of Neolithic Sites in the Levant.
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