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Everything About Ellen G. White in One Resource This masterwork brings together hundreds of articles that describe the people and events in the life of Ellen White, as well as her stand on numerous topics.
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Examines the personality and life of the seer and discusses the validity of her nineteenth and early-twentieth century prophecies.
inauthor: Ellen G. White من
... Ellen G. White أحـد مؤسسي الكنيسة ، رؤى عن شرور أكل اللحوم ، فقام بالوعظ ضدها إلى ما لا نهاية ( في حين لا تزال ... الدكتور جيه إتش كيلوج ، والدكتور هاري دبليو ميلر ، وت . ا . فان جوندي ، وجيثرو كلوس ، ودوروثيـا فـان جـونـدي جونز ...
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This book published by James White, in 1851, this publication embodies a brief autobiographical sketch and visions given to Ellen White, many of which appeared earlier in various periodicals.