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‘The running makes the music’: Vinland music teacher runs the Boston Marathon
Kitsap Daily News
POULSBO — Larry Orando, music teacher at Vinland Elementary School, finds musical inspiration in Bach's “The Art of Fugue” and “Brandenburg...
قبل 92 شهرًا
The secret piece of Venice, hidden in a Clapham council estate
The Telegraph
Greg Dickinson takes a different route to the park, and discovers a relic of 18th-century London in the middle of a post-war estate.
قبل 47 شهرًا
Millionaire Moment: Country mansion in Athy includes a sauna and two bars on the market for €1.35M
Kildare Now
This historic country mansion situated in the beautiful Kildare countryside on the banks of the River Barrow is sure to appeal to potential buyers.
قبل 69 شهرًا
Kildrought House, County Kildare
Open dates in 2024: Jan 9-25, May 18-31, June 1-3, July 1-8, Aug 17-31, 10am-2pm. Fee: adult €10, OAP/student €5, child €5, (under 7 years free).
قبل 45 شهرًا
Glyde Court
Lord Belmont in Northern Ireland
Established in 2007 by Timothy William Ferres: writing about a variety of topics including the Monarchy, Nobility, Gentry, Heraldry,...
قبل 23 شهرًا
January 2023
Lord Belmont in Northern Ireland
Mr Lyons was succeeded by his eldest son, HENRY LYONS (1779-1839), who died unmarried, and was succeeded by his brother,
قبل 23 شهرًا
Archives Map Archives - Page 9 of 11
Scottish Council on Archives
COLLECTIONS INCLUDE: 400 years of Inverclyde History. Business and personal records as well as records of the former Burghs of Greenock, Gourock and Port...
قبل 73 شهرًا
COL Robert Pitt (1605-1672)
Find a Grave
1649-60: member of the Virginia House of Burgesses Member of the Governor's Council 1662: Lt. Colonel of the Isle of Wight Militia Colonel Robert Pitt born...
قبل 59 شهرًا
Mortgage of a Capital Messuage, Stable, Coach House, Cottage, Yard, Garden, etc in Cromer by John Juler Pank (Cromer) to William Tylney Spurdens (North Walsham...
قبل 59 شهرًا
Country Houses – Page 4 – More Minor than Major
More Minor than Major
Five huge houses Emo, Mount Henry, Glenmalyre, Bellegrove, Graigueverne and Rath all went up within 20 years of each other. All have architectural similarities...
قبل 38 شهرًا