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Reductions in the white–gray functional connectome in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease and their associations with amyloid and cognition
Vanderbilt University
This study explored how the brain's connections between white and gray matter (WM-GM) are altered in early (preclinical) Alzheimer's disease (AD)
قبل شهرين (2)
Jessie Gray Obituary 2021
Hayworth - Miller Funeral Homes & Crematory
Mrs. Jessie White Gray, 82, passed away Tuesday February 2, 2021 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born October 13, 1938 in Yadkin County,...
قبل 47 شهرًا
Bill White '63
Rider University
On Monday, April 15, 2013, Bill White '63 stood near the finish line of the Boston Marathon with his wife, Mary Jo, and his son Kevin, to.
قبل 50 شهرًا
Association of Blood Pressure With Brain Ages: A Cohort Study of Gray and White Matter Aging Discrepancy in Mid-to-Older Adults From UK Biobank
American Heart Association Journals
The association between hypertension and brain aging acceleration was moderated by chronological age, showing stronger correlations in midlife but weaker...
قبل 10 أشهر
William "W.M." Morgan White, Jr.
William Morgan “WM” White, Jr, 72, passed away Thursday April 5, 2018. He was born May 7, 1945 in Yadkin County to the late William Morgan White, Sr. and...
قبل 81 شهرًا
Relationship between brain white matter damage and grey matter atrophy in hereditary spastic paraplegia types 4 and 5
Wiley Online Library
Background and purpose White matter (WM) damage is the main target of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), but mounting evidence indicates...
قبل 9 أشهر
A neuromarker of individual general fluid intelligence from the white-matter functional connectome
WM functional connectomes offer a novel applicable neuromarker of Gf and supplement the gray-matter connectomes to explore brain–behavior relationships.
قبل 56 شهرًا
Tissue-Selective Salvage of the White Matter by Successful Endovascular Stroke Therapy
American Heart Association Journals
Background and Purpose—White matter (WM) is less vulnerable to ischemia than gray matter. In ischemic stroke caused by acute large-vessel...
قبل 88 شهرًا
Metabolic changes in the cingulate gyrus, precuneus, and white matter in anorexia nervosa using multivoxel MR spectroscopy
Wiley Online Library
Background and Purpose This study aimed to highlight anorexia nervosa-related metabolic changes in different brain regions with different...
قبل 40 شهرًا
Longitudinal investigation of neurobiological changes across pregnancy
Pregnancy is a period of profound biological transformation. However, we know remarkably little about pregnancy-related brain changes.
قبل 6 أيام