United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly. INDEX . V PAGE . Committee , appointed to revise the ... د 312,313 vi INDEX . Congress of the United States , petitions.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly. 1822 . Amount brought forward , $ 240159 Of Rev. John Moody ... د Church , 30 00 27. Of Rev. George Reid , from the Salem Union Society , S. C. 10 00 7 00 87 50 30. Of Rev. John E ...
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. General Assembly. MINISTERS AND LICENTIATES . ADDRESS . CHURCHES . Andrew J. McMillan ... د , " " Buckhannon , S. S. 17 66 " " 66 co Romine's Mills , " French Creek , S. S. Portland , S. S. Gnatty ...
... General Assembly, at Their Sessions in May, 1821 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.. covenant of grace : from all ... د measure of their graces and comforts1 ; have their hearts 76 THE CONFESSION OF FAITH .
United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly. MINISTERS , & c . TODA E CE CHURCHES . E 103. Presbytery of Fayetteville . Hector McLean , P. Com . on ex . Com . on cert . Tot . Com . Adults Bap . Infants Bap . POST - OFFICE ...
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly. 20 30- PUNJAB 7 Delhi PRESIDENC 24 23 28 2726 25 10 PUNJAB ... د A CALCUTTA Б PRESIDENCY MADRAS MADRAS WESTERN INDIA MISSION 23 Islampur 24 Kodoli 25 Kolhapur 26 Miraj 27 Ratnagiri ...