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inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... Presbyterian Church. York. Jan. 1. Aill.miRli Now York, Jan. 4. ~iAJ though ... us said, he hopes to find "plain, simple preachlns of the Gospel ... General Assembly in 'Off deplores the present dhspuUi- - ,.!oif In thr Chuvt ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
Urges United Presbyterian To Join With Southerners. Ily Anoclated Pr«ll •Wanhlnglon, May S7. - An Invitation to unite with the. ITeluy- lerlan church ... conference of tho ... general nmembly In author- Ulnic preparation! of a hymnal.
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... church at Another party of forty left Ottawa yesterday Tho Marquis of Salisbury, accompanied by bis roprisonment in the Central Prison salary of ?1 per annum. IMJX toes and curving heels ; but many seiwiMo. GENERAL ... Assembly Hamilton of to ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... Presbyterian church for the use of the church during the two days of tho conference. To Mrs. George McConnell who gave her home and to the ladies of the D A. R., of which she is regent, for the beautiful reception which aided so ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... General Ed. T( proper start in their profes- sional -work, the Law School ... Church. The annual meeting of the trustees of the university -will be held ... Presbyterian Church at Sag Harbor, built in 1S45. It is rather odd that ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... American Presbyterian Church last night, it being th< last of the evening ... meeting the chairman said: There were mac; conditions of prayer laid ... general revival of religion over the whole world. There wera more Christians ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... In author'* hull. F. H. ... Presbyterian Missionary society members will bo hostesses Wednesday afternoon at the churct parlors for women of thq church ... general public is Invited. Bridge and pinochle will be played. The affair is ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... meeting this afternoon and receded from their determination. the strikers ... general discharge of duty, and especially of any violation! of tne oyster ... Presbyterian Church, this city, who rssrmd a Roman latholic wile, has been ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
PITTSBURGH Oil U.S. ular Meeting Yesterday. the same of Dr. Gilmore,oaei5t ... general working of their respective departments, together witb such ... inauthor— Dr. R. V, Pirjtrp., of Bufralo, N- deed have proved adequate to all ...
inauthor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly من
... General Hyde gives In1 this At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chicago ... Presbyterian Rev. Isaac Church, H. Cor.dit, performed pastor did The not ... Assembly district, which Ite with his Biblical characteristics, his ...