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inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
Pierre Bayle Pierre Desmaizeaux. 1 C R r . 1 ãæ 7 . Ï 17 1 Cardinals into the conclave . He had gained the faction of the duke of Valentinois , by making him believe , that he was his father [ C ] , and promising to treat him as his fon ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Pierre Bayle. 5 äÇÊ ১ Ï a letter from that Prince , acquainting him that he was appointed Embassador to Conftan- tinople . He repaired speedily to Vienna , whence he foon fet out on that Embassy [ B ] . Not finding Soliman at ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Bayle, with the Corrections and Observations Printed in the Late Edition at Paris, is Included; and Interspersed with Several Thousand Lives Never Before Publish Pierre Bayle, John Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockman. Smith , pag ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... author's philosophy in maintaining , against the arguments of Pierre Bayle , the harmony of faith and reason , and ... Ï * Extrait d'une Lettre à M. Bayle . Published in 14 INTRODUCTION.
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
Analyse de livres récemment parus ou réédités, notamment français et latins, publiés dans les Provinces-Unies, relatifs aux divers domaines de la pensée
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Ï 3009,3010 Bayle . ( Pierre ) Recueil de ses Œuvres diverses , 2509 Son Dictionnaire historique , 2696 Beaufès . ( Jacques ) Réponse de Pierre Jarrige à ses Calomnies Ï 769 Beaujeu . ( le Chevalier Ses Mémoires particuliers , 3218 ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Pierre BAYLE . La Haye , 1727 , 4 tomes qui se relient en 5 - fol . 60 à 70 l . Ejufdem Janua Cælorum ... Ï in - 12.6 1 . Cette petite pièce n'est pas aisée à trouver . L'établisse- ment de cette Jurisdiction se fit par ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Pierre Bayle . Amst . Pierre Brunel , 1730 , 4 vol . in - fol . baz . 3900 Nouveau Dictionnaire historique & criti ... Ï 5902 Remarques critiques sur le Dictionnaire de Bayle , par M. l'Abbé Jolly . Paris , Hip- polite Louis Guerin ...
inauthor: Pierre Bayle ãä
... Ï com- munique Regionis veste utantur . Decretum S. C. de Propaganda Fide , editum in Congne generali habita die ... Pierre ) Bayle . = Baltasaris Bebelii . = Anthoi- nette Bourignon . = Johannis ( seu Jean ) Claude . = Jo- hannis ...