المعاينة والعرض بالكامل
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  • المعاينة والعرض بالكامل
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inauthor: King James Version من
... in author . There is reference to the gospel and his readers . epistles of John in the Muratorian Canon . Vari- The readers were already believers in Jesus ous allusions to the epistles are found in Clem- Christ and they worshiped and ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... father and priest . Isn't it better that you serve a tribe and clan in Israel as priest rather than just one man's household ? ” 20Then the priest was glad . He took the ephod , the other household gods and the carved image and went ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King James Version 2 ـ د . أحمد داود كتاب " العرب والساميون والعبرانيون بنو إسرائيل واليهود الطبعة الأولى 1991 مكتبة الصفدي ص 94 المفاهيم وأصبحت مملكة مصرايم التوراتية العربية البائدة ، أصبح مقصودا 73 مصر الأخرى ( ج 1 ) .... التبادل ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 1982). Chapter 14 1. Paul D. Stevens, Where Do Pastors God to Cry. (Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2012) p. 55. The Holy Bible, King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King James Version . Scripture quotation in author's note is taken from the Holy Bible , New Living Translation , copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers , Inc. , Wheaton , Illinois 60189. All rights reserved ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... your life . New. 16 You will live a long life and see my saving power . New King James Version د , 16 With long life I will satisfy him , And show him My salvation . " New King James Version 27 The fear of the LORD. 322 Day 222 222.
inauthor: King James Version من
حقيقته، ومناهج دراسته، ومآلاته د. سامي عامري. يُحدّثنا مؤلِّفُ إنجيل مرقس أنّ المسيح قد مضى إِلى تُخُومِ صُورَ ... King James Version باختيارها قراءة وصيدا » ( Livos Kat » بعد كلمة « صور » topov ) ، رغم أن أقدم المخطوطات تقول ...
inauthor: King James Version من
د. سامي عامري. 2 – مزمور 160 / 119 : « كَلامُكَ بِأَسْرِهِ حَقٌّ ، وَكُلُّ أَحْكَامِكَ إِلَى الأَبَدِ عَادِلَةٌ ... King James Version : fool : وفي ترجمة The New American Bible : ( insane ، وفي الترجمة الفرنسية La Bible de semeur ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... Version ( NIV ) : He makes winds his messengers , flames of fire his servants . * Psalm 104 : 4— King James Version ( KJV 1900 ) : Who maketh his angels spirits ; His ministers a flaming fire . 3 kedoshim ( qedoshim ; " holy beings ...
inauthor: King James Version من
... King James version ; e.g. , Moses , not Mosheh ; Isaac , not Yizhak ; Saul , not Sha'ul or Shaül ; Solomon , not ... د Lush y 8 έ gh Un اف h j dh بض 3 ķ I u 20 jr bṭ Uk 17 لاي ال th j z UN 8 ع rm 2. Only the three vowels - a , i ...