John Poynder (1779–1849) was an English lawyer and theological writer, best known for his Literary Extracts and as a proponent of Christian. missions in ...
Sir John Poynder Dickson-Poynder from 1884 to 1910, was a British politician. He was Governor of New Zealand between 1910 and 1912.
Literary extracts from English and other works; collected during half a century: together with some original matter Volume 1. by John Poynder.
‏466.65 US$
John Poynder. A scarce first edition of John Poynder's Literary Extracts from English and Other Works. A theological writer and lawyer, John Poynder is ...
‏260.25 US$ متوفّر
John Poynder. John Poynder was an English lawyer known for his theological writings. Dated 1815, London. Very Scarce. be described in the condition report ...
التقييم (1)
John Poynder has 29 books on Goodreads with 4 ratings. John Poynder's most popular book is Human Sacrifices In India - Substance Of The Speech Of John Po...
Literary extracts from English and other works; collected during half a century: together with some original matter Volume 2.
John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, Baron Islington of Islington ; Details: individual; British; Male ; Life dates: 1866-1936 ; Biography: Politician and colonial ...
John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, 1st Baron Islington (1866-1936), Politician and Governor of New Zealand. Sitter in 9 portraits. Artistback to top.