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God Will Fulfill His Purpose for You
Desiring God
God has a purpose for him and God will fulfill that purpose. Both these truths combine to become that deep and wondrous theological concept we call “providence...
قبل 131 شهرًا
How the Puritans Can Help Us with the Christian Life Today
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller's classic article “Puritan Resources for Biblical Counseling” offers six reasons that Puritan works are a rich resource for biblical counselors.
قبل 98 شهرًا
The Beauty of Holiness and the Miracle of Sanctification
Desiring God
Puritan Thomas Watson says it well. “After the fall, the affections were misplaced on wrong objects; in sanctification, they are turned into...
قبل 147 شهرًا
You Don’t Know When Your Last Sermon Will Be
The Gospel Coalition
Every pastor will preach his last sermon, and most of them won't know it. Here are a few solid examples of final sermons.
قبل 16 شهرًا
The Puritans: Among God’s Giants
The Christian Institute
Revd Dr Richard Turnbull opened The Christian Institute's fourth Autumn Lecture challenging the idea of the Puritans as “straight-laced bigots”.
قبل 60 شهرًا
New Film Shows Why We Still Need the Puritans
The Gospel Coalition
Jeff Robinson interviews the makers of a new documentary on the Puritans and Puritanism that shows why those Christians are so valuable...
قبل 68 شهرًا
Where is Theodosia Burr? The quest to find the missing grave of Aaron Burr's cherished wife
National Geographic
Theodosia Bartow Prevost Burr was widely respected for her intellect and wit—and even served as an adviser to her husband.
قبل 15 ساعة
Specifically, Who Were the Puritans? What Were Their Names?
Desiring God
The Puritans are a type of evangelical believer that emerged in the Church of England in the sixteenth century and reached its high peak of development in the...
قبل 155 شهرًا
Christian Hedonists or Religious Prudes? The Puritans on Sex
Desiring God
The Puritans are certainly viewed as the archetypical religious prudes. Somehow they garnered a reputation for legalism and pleasure-hating that has followed...
قبل 242 شهرًا
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: Not Just a Problem with Youth Ministry
The Gospel Coalition
Brian Cosby talks about the problem with Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and offers the hope that only God can provide.
قبل 152 شهرًا