The greatest difficulty after conversion is to keep the heart with God. Direction and help in this great work are the scope of the text wherein we have: An exhortation: Keep thy heart with all diligence.
The Methods of Grace is a through outline of the work of God's Spirit within the redemptive work of Christ. John Flavel delivers a defined theology, in the Puritan tradition, with great with evangelistic fervor.
This work is a collection of 42 of Flavel's sermons on the person and work of Christ. Being a puritan, the work Flavel displays here is well thought out but presented in a way that will require some reflection from the reader.
However, to understand, believe, and love the good news about the crucified and resurrected Savior, we must first understand our condition. Thus, we offer this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster: Radical Depravity.