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مُرتَّبة حسب الصلة بالموضوع
مُرتَّبة حسب الصلة بالموضوع
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The Works of John Flavel, 6 Vols.
Reformation Heritage Books
Description. "If you can afford only a few sets of Puritan works, Flavel's should be included." - Meet the Puritans: Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson.
قبل 84 شهرًا
The Works of John Flavel, 6 volume set
Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service
John Flavel (1628-1691), son of a Puritan minister who died in prison for his Nonconformity, was educated at University College, oxford, and laboured for...
قبل 68 شهرًا
John Flavel
Digital Puritan
John Flavel (1627–1691) was an English Presbyterian clergyman and author. He was born at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and studied at Oxford.
قبل 126 شهرًا
Quotes by John Flavel
Grace Quotes
The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering and the most comfortable way of dying.
قبل 96 شهرًا
The Works of John Flavel
Banner of Truth
Book Description. John Flavel (1630–1691), son of a Puritan minister who died in prison for his Nonconformity, was educated at University College, Oxford,...
قبل 122 شهرًا
The Fountain of Life: 2 Volumes (Flavel)
Reformation Heritage Books
John Flavel shows Christ as our fountain of true joy: secured for his people by his humiliation and his exaltation.
قبل 43 شهرًا
Preparations for Sufferings by John Flavel
Banner of Truth
John Flavel shows us how vital and excellent a thing it is to prepare ourselves for the onset of sufferings.
قبل 40 شهرًا
Suffering and Sovereignty: John Flavel and the Puritans on Afflictive Providence (Cosby)
Reformation Heritage Books
John Flavel wrote extensively on the subject of human suffering and how it relates to divine sovereignty. He himself experienced great suffering through the...
قبل 84 شهرًا
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel
Banner of Truth
Based on Psalm 57:2, 'The Mystery of Providence' by John Flavel shows how providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. 224pp.
قبل 122 شهرًا
Triumphing Over Sinful Fear (Flavel) - Puritan Treasures for Today
Reformation Heritage Books
This practical book will help you avoid making excuses for sinful fear and encourage you to trust in Christ's commitment to settle His people's feeble and...
قبل 6 أشهر