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مُرتَّبة حسب التاريخ
God Will Fulfill His Purpose for You
Desiring God
God has a purpose for him and God will fulfill that purpose. Both these truths combine to become that deep and wondrous theological concept we call “providence...
قبل 132 شهرًا
The Beauty of Holiness and the Miracle of Sanctification
Desiring God
Puritan Thomas Watson says it well. “After the fall, the affections were misplaced on wrong objects; in sanctification, they are turned into...
قبل 147 شهرًا
Christian Hedonists or Religious Prudes? The Puritans on Sex
Desiring God
The Puritans are certainly viewed as the archetypical religious prudes. Somehow they garnered a reputation for legalism and pleasure-hating that has followed...
قبل 242 شهرًا
Where is Theodosia Burr? The quest to find the missing grave of Aaron Burr's cherished wife
National Geographic
Theodosia Bartow Prevost Burr was widely respected for her intellect and wit—and even served as an adviser to her husband.
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John Flavel Author Biography
Banner of Truth
John Flavel was born at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, about 1630, and thus spent his childhood in the stormy years which led up to the Civil War in 1642.
قبل 121 شهرًا
John Flavel
John Flavel (c. 1627–1691) was an English Puritan Presbyterian minister and author. John Flavel. Born, 1627. Died, 1691. Nationality, English.
قبل 158 شهرًا
Book review: The Works of John Flavel (0851510604)
Tony Reinke
Book review The Works of John Flavel (6 volumes) “Some Puritans might be more learned than he, and some more quaint, but for all-around...
قبل 217 شهرًا
John Flavel
Digital Puritan Press
John Flavel (1627–1691) was an English Presbyterian clergyman and author. He was born at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and studied at Oxford.
قبل 125 شهرًا
The Fountain of Life: A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory (Flavel)
Reformation Heritage Books
The knowledge of Jesus Christ is the very marrow and kernel of all the Scriptures, and the scope and center of all divine revelations.
قبل 82 شهرًا
John Flavel: Puritan Life and Thought in Stuart England
John Flavel: Puritan Life and Thought in Stuart England [Cosby, Brian H.] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. John Flavel: Puritan Life and...
قبل 102 شهر