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The Beauty of Holiness and the Miracle of Sanctification
Desiring God
Puritan Thomas Watson says it well. “After the fall, the affections were misplaced on wrong objects; in sanctification, they are turned into...
قبل 148 شهرًا
God Will Fulfill His Purpose for You
Desiring God
God has a purpose for him and God will fulfill that purpose. Both these truths combine to become that deep and wondrous theological concept we call “providence...
قبل 133 شهرًا
You Don’t Know When Your Last Sermon Will Be
The Gospel Coalition
Every pastor will preach his last sermon, and most of them won't know it. Here are a few solid examples of final sermons.
قبل 17 شهرًا
Biblical Interpretation and Doctrinal Development in the Reformed Tradition: Essays in Honor of James De Jong
The Gospel Coalition
A good deal of noticed and influential scholarly work has been done on the dogmatic output of Reformed Orthodoxy (including Puritanism) in...
قبل 121 شهرًا
Anne Bradstreet Is a Good Tonic for a Virus-Haunted Age
The Gospel Coalition
For many Reformed evangelicals, the Puritans are like old friends. Pastor-writers like John Bunyan, Matthew Henry, and John Owen stare down...
قبل 55 شهرًا
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: Not Just a Problem with Youth Ministry
The Gospel Coalition
Brian Cosby talks about the problem with Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and offers the hope that only God can provide.
قبل 153 شهرًا
John Flavel: Books
The Fountain of Life--A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory: Volume I of the Works of John Flavel. by John Flavel.
قبل 4 أسابيع
Heaven is no doubt very desirable, but Christ is more. John Flavel
Heaven is no doubt very desirable, but Christ is more. John Flavel.
قبل 3 أسابيع
Triumphing Over Sinful Fear (Flavel) - Puritan Treasures for Today
Reformation Heritage Books
This practical book will help you avoid making excuses for sinful fear and encourage you to trust in Christ's commitment to settle His people's feeble and...
قبل 6 أشهر
John Flavel 12/31/24
Motivations To Prepare For S.. Motivations To Prepare For Sufferings - Preparation for Suffering - 15. 11:42 John Flavel • 1/7/25 0.
قبل 4 أشهر