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Two historic Philadelphia churches offer lessons for an America divided today and in its infancy
The Philadelphia Sunday Sun
Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church stands on the oldest parcel of land continuously owned by Black Americans.
قبل شهرين (2)
Takeaways from AP’s report on the past and present of two historic Philadelphia churches
AP News
The two historic churches are less than a mile apart in Philadelphia. Christ Church is where some of the Founding Fathers worshipped,...
قبل شهرين (2)
A Sober Assessment of the Immortal George Whitefield
Law & Liberty
You wouldn't know it from Tripadvisor, but the small coastal town of Newburyport, Massachusetts holds a unique attraction drawing thousands...
قبل 118 شهرًا
God In America: Interviews: Daniel Dreisbach
The first Great Awakening: Why do you think the common man was so receptive to what these itinerant preachers were saying?
قبل 137 شهرًا
USA:s förste president var en man av bön som blev nationens hjälte
Världen idag
George Washington både inledde och avslutade sitt första installationstal till president med bön. Han inkluderade religiösa referenser i...
قبل 56 شهرًا
Communist Goals for America
Koinonia House
In an attempted to warn the nation, the Democrat Congressman from Florida, Albert S. Herlong, Jr., read into the U.S Congressional Record,...
قبل 77 شهرًا
Sep|Oct 2024
The Pennsylvania Gazette
A select few graduating Penn seniors with a large cash award and faculty mentorship for post-graduation projects designed to make a “positive, lasting...
قبل 4 أشهر
United States Congress
The United States Congress, often simply referred to as Congress, is the federal legislature of the United States. The body is bicameral, meaning that it is...
قبل 51 شهرًا
Month: February 2015
A Monument of Fame
Dr Richard Palmer reports on further work to re-catalogue the early modern Archbishops' papers. Cataloguing of the Secker papers has been brought to completion.
قبل 119 شهرًا
TDIH: First Continental Congress
How can large and small colonies work together in one union? Should Congress be opened with prayer, despite the colonies' religious...
قبل 16 شهرًا