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مُرتَّبة حسب التاريخ
250 years ago today the First Continental Congress opened with prayer. What should we make of that?
On Thursday evening I was in Philadelphia to speak at an event, sponsored by Carpenter's Hall, commemorating the 250th anniversary of Jacob...
قبل 3 أشهر
Carpenters’ Hall is putting the focus on some local history for its 250th anniversary
Metro Philadelphia
the tradition of prayer — “for better or worse” — in Congress is turning 250, and it actually all started right here in Philadelphia at...
قبل 3 أشهر
The Traitor Chaplain Who Gave Government Prayer to America — A 4th of July Corrective
Religion Dispatches
Jacob Duché delivers the first prayer in the Continental Congress, 1774. The “shot heard around the world” ignited the American Revolution and led to the...
قبل 17 شهرًا
Philadelphia priests discuss the role of faith and government in event marking the First Continental Congress’ 250th anniversary
Episcopal News Service
Two Episcopal priests who serve historic Philadelphia churches recently participated in a panel discussion marking the 250th anniversary of the opening of the...
قبل شهرين (2)
Carpenters’ Hall celebrates 250 years of congressional prayer, recognizing Jewish history of guest chaplains
eJewish Philanthropy
Conference in Philadelphia to mark the role of religion and faith in American government, beginning with the Continental Congress in 1774.
قبل 3 أشهر
What Steadfast Looks Like in a Revolution
Christianity Today
How in three years an evangelical pastor went from America's first national hero to “the first of villains.”
قبل 123 شهرًا
Mission Yearbook | Read today’s story
Presbyterian Mission Agency
May 2, 2024. Pastor Al Earley, right front, and his wife, Martha (center) lead a monthly prayer gathering at LaGrange Presbyterian Church birthed from...
قبل 7 أشهر
Why does Congress have a chaplain?
The Conversation
Following the controversy over the resignation of House chaplain Patrick Conroy, in this speed read, scholars explain when the tradition of...
قبل 79 شهرًا
Paul Ryan dismissed the House chaplain. Wait, why does Congress even have a chaplain?
The Washington Post
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) dismissed the Rev. Patrick J. Conroy this month as chaplain of the chamber, a decision that has ignited a fierce faith and...
قبل 79 شهرًا
Your Daily Phil: Displaced Israeli teens get ‘happy summer’ at U.S. camps
eJewish Philanthropy
We report on the University of Illinois' agreements with the Department of Education and Jewish organizations to protect Jewish students.
قبل 3 أشهر