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Activists ask Westminster Abbey not to honor ‘odious anti-Semite’ P.G. Wodehouse
The Times of Israel
Plans for memorial stone in central London royal church under fire over author's anti-Semitism and five controversial wartime broadcasts...
قبل 66 شهرًا
A Culture Warrior Takes a Late Swing
The New York Times
The editor and essayist Joseph Epstein looks back on his life and career in two new books.
قبل 9 أشهر
University re-launches publishing house to bring academic works to the world
University of Aberdeen
Fascinating works of history, research, poetry, science, biographies and cultural gems of Scotland will be brought to bookstores through the...
قبل 135 شهرًا
The Fictional First World War: Imagination and Memory Since 1914
University of Aberdeen
This international conference, hosted by the Centre for the Novel will prompt an intercultural dialogue about the aesthetic and intellectual legacy of the war.
قبل 102 شهر
Shane looks to the skies for Burns Night
University of Aberdeen
A poem by University of Aberdeen lecturer in creative writing, Shane Strachan, has been selected as part of a project to celebrate the night...
قبل 16 ساعة
How Samik Bandyopadhyay built a collection of 40,000 books that he’s donating to create a library
Samik Bandyopadhyay, teacher, publisher, writer, translator, and commentator on art, theatre, literature and politics, and of course,...
قبل 42 شهرًا
Vita Mea: The Autobiography of Sir Herbert J.C. Grierson
Herbert Grierson was only 28 when he was appointed Professor of English Literature at the University of Aberdeen in 1895; in the following quarter of a...
قبل 7 أشهر
Herbert J. C. Grierson: Books
Cross currents in English Literature of the XVIIth Century or the World, the Flesh & the Spirit, their Actions & Reactions. by Herbert J. C. Grierson.
قبل شهر واحد
Rhetoric and English Composition, by Sir Herbert Grierson, signed, 1945
Lanna Antique
Rhetoric and English Composition, by Sir Herbert JC Grierson. This copy carries the 'signature' of 'Flora Grierson' (his daughter, 1899-1966, author and...
قبل 21 شهرًا
SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. A New Life Supplementary to, and Corrective of, Lockhart’s Biography
Buddenbrooks Inc
Grierson's fine biography of one of the greatest names in English literature. This was the first edition available other then as part of the twelve volume set...
قبل 97 شهرًا