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Patteson's Map of Europe
Harvard University
This is a map of Europe created in 1804 by Englishman Edward Patteson. It was created as part of an Atlas that depicted both Ancient and Modern Europe.
قبل 28 شهرًا
Africa. / Patteson, Edward / 1804
David Rumsey Map Collection
A general and classical atlas: accompanied with a concise treatise on the principles of geography; and with a few practical remarks on the application of maps.
قبل 216 شهرًا
Patteson Name Meaning, Family History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Learn about the Patteson Family Crest, its Origin and History. Where did the Patteson surname come from? Where did the family branches go?
قبل 122 شهرًا
William Robert Pitts, Sr.
Name: William Robert Pitts, Sr. Date: ca. 1935. Image Number: RS12ccdRS02. Comments: William Robert Pitts, Sr., (shown above in 1935), was born on July 17,...
قبل 41 شهرًا
Map of Ancient New Haven, CT -- The Gene Pool
RootsWeb.com Home Page
A copy of the 1641 Brockett map as shown in "Three Centuries of New Haven, 1638-1938" by Rollin G. Osterweis, published in 1953 by Yale Univ. Press.
قبل 73 شهرًا
Prince Byron, Earl of Barford
Byron, Earl of Barford (Born Prince Byron Edward William, 1783-1849) was a grandson of King Arthur and ex-Roswian Prince. Prince Byron of Larkinfield was...
قبل 9 أشهر
Authentic old and antique maps of the United States of America for sale. Our rare U.S. map inventory features original antique Thirteen Colonies maps, Revolutionary War maps, old Civil War maps, and many other American historical subjects. We have antiqu
Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc.
Our rare US map inventory features original antique Thirteen Colonies maps, Revolutionary War maps, old Civil War maps, and many other American historical...
قبل 30 شهرًا
The Society of Colonial Wars
Connecticut Society of Colonial Wars
The Reverend John Davenport and Mr. Theophilus Eaton led the English Puritans whom they had recently brought to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, to New Haven's...
قبل 78 شهرًا
Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century: Consisting ... - John Nichols
Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century: Consisting of Authentic Memoirs and Original Letters of Eminent Persons
قبل 11 شهرًا
The Church of England and the Coronation Rite, 1761–1838
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
British coronations from 1761 to 1838 have conventionally been dismissed as tawdry pageants with little religious significance.
قبل 42 شهرًا