Charles Edward DE COETLOGON. " the sentence of eternal condemnation upon " our guilty heads , we know that thou ... Father , and the Holy Ghost , 66 may the church militant upon earth , and " triumphant in heaven , ascribe the king ...
Charles Edward De Coetlogon. mateth the whole body of christian Obe- dience . Gal . ii . 20. Hebr . x . 38 , 39 . 5 ... Ï 6. All real Believers are bound to ho- nour and justify their Faith , by their Works . Matt . iii . 16 .. vii ...
... Charles Edward De Coetlogon. " we have received the knowledge of the truth , " there remaineth no more facrifice for ... Ï " Not doing thine own pleasure on my holy day . " The natural pleasure of every fallen creature is to do his ...
... Edward the Confessor , King of England , stained figure of , viii 652 . Edward I. King , Ayloffe's Account of the ... Coetlogon , ix 115 . 623 . Oliver , his widow , viii 456 . Richard , fellow of King's , ix Thomas , author of ...
... Charles Imhoff , Esq ; a Lieutenant - Colonel in the Army , His Royal Licence and Permiffion that he may re- ceive and wear the Enfigns of the Equestrian , Se- cular ... Ï Lottery - Office , Somerset - Place , the Commitment [ 731 ]
Gui Alexis Lobineau. Serment des mobles de l'E- . Mala . verum . Pierre Bouais - bordet , J. de la Bouexiere , du ... Charles de S. Gilles & Jahan de S. Gil- les mon fils , voir est . Guillaume de la Bouexiere . Phelipot de Quebriac ...
... Charles de S. Gilles & Jahan de S. Gil- les mon fils , voir est . Guillaume de la Bouexiere . Phelipot de Quebriac ... Coetlogon . P. dou G ......... Alain ...... J. du Bois - jagu . Heudelor . R. Mouraud . Jahen Nyel . Olivier du ...
Charles Antoine Bourdot de Richebourg. enir ma- Eile ards eurs ent Dere s . K CCCCXCIV . Et neantmoins le noble n ... Coetlogon , & Dame Girault , fur ce que l'état de ce mariage & des enfans avoit été contesté par les enfans du ...
... Charles VII . & auquel on fut redevable , en partie , de l'heureux succès du combat de Castil- lon , dans lequel fut ... é- rection de la Terre de la Hunaudaye en Baronnie , & fut maintenu dans le droit de l'opposition formée par ...