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The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
For more beautiful words from this stable genius, buy Rob Sears' “strictly unauthorized” collection, The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump.
قبل 84 شهرًا
He gets verse: the poetry of Donald Trump
The Guardian
The latest collection of Trumpian verse is The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump, by McSweeney's writer Rob Sears.
قبل 88 شهرًا
Philip Larkin’s profound and beautiful poetry sent me back to the classroom | Rachel Cooke
The Guardian
The exam board that dropped the poet and others from the curriculum has overlooked their effects on young minds.
قبل 30 شهرًا
11 Beautiful Poetry Collections By Women Poets
Let me tell you a little something about the dangers of beautiful poetry collections by women: In my freshman year poetry seminar,...
قبل 106 أشهر
Create beautiful poetry with strangers and friends with HaikuJAM
Create beautiful poetry with strangers and friends with HaikuJAM. A new social app is about the shared experience of creating something beautiful from the...
قبل 118 شهرًا
The Beautiful Poetry of Football Commentary: Book review
World Soccer Talk
Reviewing "The Beautiful Poetry of Football Commentary" by Charlie Eccleshare, a book highlighting announcers and moments they bring to...
قبل 23 شهرًا
Richard 'Sandy' Rhodes' New Book 'Just Thoughts' is a Beautiful Poetry Collection Throughout a Life Journey
Newswire Press Release Distribution
"Just Thoughts" from Covenant Books author Richard "Sandy" Rhodes is a captivating compilation of poems that account what life was and what life has become...
قبل 52 شهرًا
Spectator competition winners: the beautiful poetry of Donald Trump
The Spectator
For this week's challenge you were invited to submit poems by Donald Trump. The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump, which is the brainchild of...
قبل 73 شهرًا
80+ Beautiful Poetry Quotes To Share With Students
We Are Teachers
We've put together this list of poetry quotes that beautifully capture why poems mean so much to so many!
قبل 24 شهرًا
Todd Stashwick calls Captain Shaw’s death “beautiful poetry”
Redshirts Always Die
Todd Stashwick calls Captain Liam Shaw's death "beautiful poetry" and says that inside, the captain was thoughtful and did care.
قبل 13 شهرًا