bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Presents an encyclopedia of religion and politics in America including short biographies of important political and religious figures like Ralph Abernathy, civil rights leader, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer, and synopses of religious ...
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Praise for the first edition: "An altogether excellent introduction to the study of the presidency of the United States.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Rev. ed. of: The encyclopedia of American law. [1st ed.]. c2002.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
There's an old saying: Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. Yet for most people
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Offers profiles of the forty-six vice-presidents of the United States, written by historians and persons responsible for each vice-president's official papers.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Offers profiles of the forty-six vice-presidents of the United States, written by historians and persons responsible for each vice-president's official papers.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
A biographical dictionary profiling first ladies of the United States, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Profiles the lives of a number of people who played vital roles in the unfolding of Native American history until 1900, including chiefs, prophets, artists, and scholars.
bibliogroup:"Facts on File Library of American History" من
Presents information on the personal lives, influences, works, and careers of 150 writers in all genres.