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This book analyses Russia-Europe/EU relations by exploring their practical essence and conceptualizing them in terms of the main categories of international relations research.
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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intricate workings of the modern world.
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Putin's Propaganda Machine examines Russia’s “information war,” one of the most striking features of its intervention in Ukraine.
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This unique book examines the European far-right’s connections with Russia and untangles this puzzle by tracing the ideological origins and individual paths that have materialized in this permanent dialogue between Russia and Europe.
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This edition includes a new chapter in which Stent provides her insights about dramatic recent developments in U.S.-Russian relations, particularly the annexation of Crimea, war in Ukraine, and the end of the Obama Reset.
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This book examines how Putin's Russia emerged as one of the great powers, demanding recognition of its status in international politics.
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Former BBC Moscow correspondent Angus Roxburgh charts the dramatic fight for Russia's future under Vladimir Putin - how the former KGB man changed from reformer to autocrat, how he sought the West's respect but earned its fear, how he ...
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The simple yet challenging goal of this book is to deliberate the legitimacy, andadvance the feasibility, of an important new concept the notion of "globalcivics.
Valdai Club from
In order to fill the gap, this volume offers the first interdisciplinary study of Russian-Latin American relations after the end of the Cold War.