بول هاريس نيكولاس من
John Burke. NICOLAS , OF LONDON . NICOLAS , SIR NICHOLAS - HARRIS , of the Inner Temple , Barrister at Law ... Paul - Harris , first - lieutenant of the royal marines . III . William - Keigwin , lieutenant of the navy . IV ...
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... NICOLAS . ARMS : -Gyronny of eight Arg . and Az . , an eagle displayed ... Harris Nicolas , by a document signed by the Count de Latour , then ... Paul Nicholas , b . 1696 , Mayor of East Looe 1744 , d . 1752.Elizabeth , da . of ...
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Paul Harris Nicolas. GALLANT CONDUCT OF LIEUTENANT ROCH : 179 front , bearing upon a narrow road , which for a quarter of a mile was the only approach to their position . Captain Harris , after sending orders to captain Pellew to advance ...
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Paul Harris Nicolas. CAMBRIDGE. LIBRARY. COLLECTION. Books of enduring scholarly value Naval and Military History This series includes accounts of sea and land campaigns by eye-witnesses and contemporaries, as well as landmark studies of ...
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Horatio Nelson, Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Letters in possession of , v . 263 , 269 , | Nisbet , Mr. i . 162 471. vi ... Paul Harris , vii . 164n Nind , Mr. George , vii . 165 Nisbet , Dr. i . 10 , 144 , 162 Nisbet , Mrs. ( afterwards ...
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... Nicholas married in May , 1787 , Margaret Blake , grand - daughter and co - heiress of the Rev. John Keigwin , by ... Paul Harris Nicolas , a first lieutenant of the Royal Marines , who served in the Belleisle 74 at the battle of ...
بول هاريس نيكولاس من
... NICOLAS , SIR N. H. ( Con . ) . Public Records . Westminster Review , x , 393- 414 , ( 1829 ) ; Postscript , xi ... PAUL HARRIS , R.M. ( 2nd son of Commander J. H. Nicolas , who d . 1844 ) . b . East Looe , 1 Meh . , 1790. bapt ...
بول هاريس نيكولاس من
... NICOLAS ( AUGUSTIN ) , 1622-95 . Si la torture est un moyen feur a verifier les crimes fecrets : differtation morale et juridique 8 ° Amft . 1681 . NICOLAS ( Sir NICHOLAS HARRIS ) ... ( PAUL HARRIS ) , lieutenant . Hiftorical record of the ...
بول هاريس نيكولاس من
... Nicholas - Harris Ni- colas , Esq . , major of the Royal Cornwall Fencible Cavalry , captain 44th and 89th regts , of foot , and d . in Feb. 1799 , s . p . 2. Anne , b . in 1762 , m . Paul - Harris Nicolas , Esq . , ( who d . in 1788 ...
بول هاريس نيكولاس من
... Nicholas - Harris Ni- colas , Esq . , major of the Royal Cornwall Fencible Cavalry , captain 44th and 89th regts . of foot , and d . in Feb. 1799 , s . p . and d . 28 March , 1814 , leaving , 2. Anne , b . in 1762 , m . Paul - Harris ...