inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
كونُها تَرجعُ تاريخيًّا إلى عصورِ الحضارةِ الإسلاميَّةِ ليسَ وحْدَهُ ما يُميِّزُ تلكَ الزخارفَ ويفسِّرُ الاصطلاحَ على تسميتِها ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
James Barry Ralph Nicholson Wornum. د superstructure the Venetian school raised ; and all the re- mainder was carried to Rome by Raphael and Michelangelo , and received no small increase and improvement from the intellectual vigour of ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
Ralph Nicholson Wornum. 1532-3 . master's sign , of the year 1516. These works belong to a CHAP . XIV . much earlier ... د , Spanysh brown 1d . 39 1 quarter of orpiment 4d . 1 lb. of yellow ocur 2d . 1 qrt . of gume armonyck 4d ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
... د قالت songs : of the War , as ( Kingdom Comin ' , ' Wake Nicodemus , ) ( Babylon is Fallen , Marching Through Georgia ) ; of temperance , as ( Father ... Wornum , Ralph Nicholson . An English writer on the fine arts ; born at Thornton , ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
Horace Walpole (4th earl of Orford.) James Dallaway, Ralph Nicholson Wornum. 66 brought over the new way of building ... د , 2 1 An account of this embassy was drawn up and published by Crowne , who attended the earl .--- A true ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
Painter, of Augsburg, with Numerous Illustrations Ralph Nicholson Wornum. The copy of Erasmus at Windsor was painted ... د Frobenius and Erasmus . 1521-5 . CHAP . VIII . already had occasion to refer to. * This print is of great ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
لاشك أن التلميذ الموهوب في حاجة إلى ما يشرح قواعد الزخارف وأصولها، ويبين ما لها من أثر في تهذيب النفوس وتثقيف العقول، ويوضح صلتها ...
inauthor: Ralph Nickolson Wornum من
كتاب في فن التراجم، أوردت فيه مصنفته أسماء كثير من أعلام الرسم من العرب والأجانب على الترتيب الألفبائي، تذكر اسم العالم أو الرسام ...