inauthor:"Daniel Erasmus" من
Combining academic research with the insights of practice from distinguished scholars and practitioners, the fully updated fourth edition of The Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations provides a comprehensive reference on the most ...
inauthor:"Daniel Erasmus" من
Tracing the development of international law from regulating bilateral state-to-state relationships towards the promotion of the international community and the protection of human rights, this book, dedicated to the work of Judge Bruno ...
inauthor:"Daniel Erasmus" من
Daniel-Erasmus Khan zeigt in diesem Buch, wie die internationale Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondbewegung entstand, wie sie sich zu dem entwickelte, was heute mit ihr verbunden wird und welchen Herausforderungen sie sich gegenüber sieht.
inauthor:"Daniel Erasmus" من
In order to close this research gap, Daniel-Erasmus Khan makes use of legal science and academic disciplines bordering on this in his work.