In A Few Days Full of Trouble, this question drives a new perspective on the story of Emmett Till, relayed by his cousin and best friend—the Reverend Wheeler Parker Jr., a survivor of the night of terror when young Emmett was taken from ...
"From a College Window" stands as a testament to Arthur Christopher Benson's literary prowess and his capacity to carry undying truths via the artwork of the essay.
The essays in this collection are reminiscent of the Romantic era, with a focus on the beauty of the natural world and the quest for spiritual fulfillment.
This collection of essays presents Benson's views on topics ranging from art to the aging process, filtered through the lens of someone who is actively engaged in the difficult but rewarding work of educating a nation's youth.
From a College Window by Arthur Christopher Benson offers a unique perspective on college life. Through his thoughtful observations and reflections, Benson captures the charm, challenges, and intellectual vibrancy of academic life.
Praise for Death of Innocence “A testament to the power of the indestructible human spirit [that] speaks as eloquently as the diary of Anne Frank.”—The Washington Post Book World “With this important book, [Mamie Till-Mobley] has ...