The University of Zurich is one of the leading research universities in Europe and offers the widest range of degree programs in Switzerland.
تضم الجامعة حاليًا سبع كليات هي كُليات الفلسفة، والطب البشري، والعلوم الاقتصادية، والقانون، والرياضيات والعلوم الطبيعية، وكُلية الهندسة وعلوم الكمبيوتر والروبوتات، ...

University of Zurich

(661) Public university in Zürich, Switzerland
The University of Zurich is a public research university located in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. It is the largest university in Switzerland, with its 28,000 enrolled students. It was founded in 1833 from the existing colleges of theology, law, medicine which go back to 1525, and a new faculty of philosophy.
Address: Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 634 11 11
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It is the largest university in Switzerland, with its 28,000 enrolled students. ... It was founded in 1833 from the existing colleges of theology, law, medicine ...
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The official Instagram account of the University of Zurich. Share your photos via #universityofzurich or #UZH. Rämistrasse 71, Zürich, Switzerland 8006
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الجامعات في زيورخ, سويسرا تم تصنيفهم في 22 تصنيف. ✓ جميع تصنيفات الجامعة وتقييمات الطلاب في مكان واحد مع الشرح.✓ رضا الطلاب، سمعة أكاديمية.