8 Teachings of Lord Krishna that will change your perspective towards life

Sep 07, 2023

Shamayita Dey

Developing a clear, calm, and collected mind is the first step to realising what is going on in any situation. This requires a lot of work. One method is through meditation, while another involves mentally removing yourself from the circumstance so that you may observe it from above.

Lord Krishna underlines the value of separating from the realm of things and letting go of material attachments.The only person who can achieve ultimate serenity is one who has no desire for sensual pleasure, lives without cravings, has given up all sense of ownership and control, and is egoless. Only those who act out of duty rather than attachment to the results of their actions will be able to reach the Supreme.

We worry about the results and repercussions of the majority of our decisions, which influences them. However, your efforts will have greater value when you acknowledge that you have little influence over the outcome and stop concentrating on the benefits. Additionally, you will view every success as a bonus and value your benefits even more.

Anger impairs judgements, which in turn impairs memory and intelligence. Making decisions becomes difficult when intelligence is absent. In light of this, anger is the root cause of all failures in a person's life. It is one of the three principal entrances to hell, along with lust and greed. One must make an effort to restrain and divert wrath while maintaining mental tranquilly.

There are no big or small jobs; a job is a job. No work is performed inhumanely. No matter how big or small your job is, you must love it and give it your all while doing it. Your job occupies a large portion of your life, and the only way to truly be content is to appreciate and embrace all jobs.

Anything you set out to accomplish is an action, but having the faith to do it is faith. Consider how seriously you believe something before acting on it. It is an act of conviction and the appropriate choice for you if you don't need to justify it in any way or use any additional resources for it.

Both the past and the future are irrelevant, so stop worrying about them. However, you can only influence the here and now. Because of this, it is claimed that you can only control the present, so make the most of it.

The most successful people always push themselves to reach higher levels of competence. They only compete against themselves, and they keep growing personally and professionally. They encounter both success and disappointment, but they keep growing.